2015 Yang Mu Studies
International Conference
邱貴芬 Kuei-fen Chiu
Distinguished Professor, Graduate Institute of Taiwan Literature and Transnational Cultural Studies, National Chung Hsing University
邱貴芬於美國華盛頓大學取得比較文學博士,目前為國立中興大學台灣文學與跨國文化研究所特聘教授。研究興趣涵蓋後殖民歷史學、台灣當代紀錄片,及台灣現當代文學。著作除了中文期刊論文和專書之外,亦刊登於知名國際學術期刊。她以台灣詩人楊牧為主要論述重點的論文發表於New Literary History Vol. 44, no.1 (2013): 159-178。從2014年開始,她與中興大學跨領域數位團隊合作,建置了數個台灣重要作家的網站,包括楊牧、李昂、王文興、施叔青、路寒袖、甘耀明等,目前正在進行「台灣文學大典」計畫 (http://twlit.blogspot.tw/)。此計畫由詩人楊牧命名,於2014年開始執行,為一個數位台灣文學史的實驗性計畫。
Professor Kuei-fen Chiu holds a PhD degree in Comparative Literaturefrom the University of Washington, Seattle and is Distinguished Professor of Taiwan Literature and Transnational Cultural Studies at National Chung Hsing University in Taiwan. She has written extensively on postcolonial literary historiography, contemporary Taiwan documentaries, and Taiwanliterature. In addition to several books in Chinese and New Chinese-language Documentaries (co-authored with Yingjin Zhang from UCSD), she has published in renowned journals such as New Literary History, The Journal of Asian Studies, The China Quarterly, Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies and contributed to edited volumes from international publishers like Routledge. Her essay on Yang Mu, “Cosmopolitanism and Indigenism: The Use of Cultural Authenticity in an Age of Flows” was published in New Literary History Vol. 44, no. 1 (2013): 159-178. She served as the coordinator of several digital projects on celebrated Taiwan writers, including Yang Mu, Li Ang, Wang Wen-hsing, Shih Shu-ching, Lu Han-hsiu, and Kan Yao-ming. She is currently in charge of The Taiwan Literature Archives project (http://twlit.blogspot.tw/)-- a digital project on Taiwan’s literary history.
Email: chiukf.taiwan@gmail.com
Profile: link